4 Responsible Pasture Manure Distribution Practices
According to the University of Missouri Forage Systems Research Center, if the pasture areas are too large or the cattle are being left in t
What is rotation grazing?
There are three stages of grass growth; early vegetative phase (slow growth rate), rapid vegetative phase (optimum growth rate), and a matur
Spotlight Calf: Mr. T
Mr. T This week's spotlight calf is Mr. T is an F1 and Hereford Cross, therefore he is an F1 1/2. He is muscled already and only at the...
Benefits of F1 Bradford Cattle
While some benefits of F1 Bradford cows, aka Tigerstripe, are well known, others are not discussed as frequently. This article discusses som
Spotlight Cow: "Batgirl"
Batgirl Today Bradshaw Cattle Co. has decided to feature "Batgirl" as our spotlight cow of the week. Batgirl is a 5-year-old Brangus cow...