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Healthy Cattle conditions and the most viable pure bred Bulls are a top priority of Bradshaw Cattle Company for the production of quality standards. Brahma, Hereford, Red Angus, and Charolais are the Bull breed selections that Bradshaw Cattle Company can offer your Herd. Some of our Bulls deliver a low birth weight, creating a safe environment for consumer's first-year Heifers. Our other selection of Bulls will provide your herd with a high weaning weight on Calves. If you have any further questions about our operations or any specific Bulls, please contact John Heiderstadt (Ranch Manager) at 405-590-5878.

Thank you for your interest in Bradshaw Cattle Co. If you would like any additional information, or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us

Bradshaw Cattle Co., Brahma, Mongo, Cattle, Bull, Cattle Breeder, Van, Texas



Six-year-old purebred Brahma Bull

Mongo is bred from a V8 Bull.

 Mongo offers high weaning weight Calves.

Bradshaw Cattle Co., Red Angus, Bull, Cattle, Cattle Breeder, Van, Texas


(1175 MBR)


Six-year-old purebred Red Angus Bull.

Sire: Brown-CH Eminence (S3535).

Dam: 3JG Crystal (T725).

Rudy offers low birth weight Calves. 

Bradshaw Cattle Co., Charolais, Bull, Cattle, Cattle Breeder, Van, Texas

Professor Sharlias


Two-year-old purebred Charolais Bull.

Professor Sharlias offers low birth weight Calves.

Bradshaw Cattle Co., Hereford, Bull, Cattle, Cattle Breeder, Van, Texas
Beer Goggles
(VH MR BG 123)
Four-year-old purebred Hereford Bull. 
Sire: CB NLC Beer Goggles 81U.
Dam: VH Miss Advance U186.
Beer Goggles offers high weaning weight Calves.
Bradshaw Cattle Co., Brahma, Bull, Cattle, Cattle Breeder, Van, Texas


Two-year-old purebred Brahma Bull.

Bred from a V8 Bull.

Forest offers high weaning weight Calves.

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