Benefits of F1 Bradford Cattle
F1 Bradford, aka Tigerstripe, cattle are advantageous in many aspects.
The heat tolerance of the F1 herds is a major benefit in the Southern parts of the United States allowing the cattle to avoid heat stress. Heat stress is caused not only from ambient temperature, but also the humidity levels, evaporation rates and lack of air movement. These factors are known as THI, Temperature Humidity Index. When cattle are suffering from heat stress there are many complications that can occur, including slower growth rates, loss of electrolytes, and alters the production of reproduction hormones required for pregnancy. A cow suffering from even some signs of heat stress or exhaustion costs not only money, but time.
Heat tolerance of the cattle affects the cows grazing time. The greater the heat tolerance, the longer the grazing time per day. This allows the cows to maintain a healthy weight and decrease expenses on feed. Most often if livestock is suffering from heat stress, there is little you can do to help them
F1 cows tend to be very protective of their offspring which maintains not only herd health, but also numbers. F1 Bradford cows have less difficulties calving, which helps increase their lifespan and herd health as a whole. One of a well-known characteristic that make them a good momma cows is their udder structure and milk production. This most often leads to calves with higher weaning weights producing a higher return on investment for the owner. F1 Heifer calves are also at an earlier age for breeding due to the hybrid vigor of their genes, while maintaining a safe environment for the Heifer. They stay in the herd allowing the calves to be better protected by the herd instead of a single cow against potential predators. F1 cattle allow a cattleman to create a marketable calf crop each year, which is the ultimate goal of any operation.
The research has proven the longevity of the F1 cow is another major advantage as it can produce a calf crop for 15-20 years. This allows a exceptionally lower cost over years of operation due to less herd replacements needed. Each F1 cow is a cost effective purchase due to the lifespan and calves produced from just one cow. Typically, F1 cows have a higher resistance to parasite, along with a full vaccination program of course, allowing the cows coat to maintain a clean sheen and avoiding insect bites leading to infections. F1 cows are resistant to eye problems and cancer. Maintaining health allows the cow to live a longer life, and therefore more prosperous for the owner. Longevity in cattle plays an important role in cost effective and practical breeding and production for cattlemen.
F1 Bradford cows combines the advantages of longevity, fertility and heat tolerance, among the other benefits listed above.
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