Feral Hogs: The Species Plague of Texas
Feral hogs is a term that describes Eurasian wild boars, feral hogs that came from domestication, and a hybrid of these two.

Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BSE)
BSE does not test for fertility per say as this can only be proven by the production of offspring each year from fertile cows. It is importa

Are Feral Hogs Dangerous?
The population of feral hogs in Texas and other areas of the United States where they are common is explosive due to their high reproductive

Common Flies and the Impact on a Herd
There are three common types of flies that can be found near livestock and in pastures: horn flies, face flies, and stable flies. HORN...

Why do cattle need minerals in their diets?
Macro mineral: Minerals that are in larger amounts in the animals body and required in larger doses in a healthy diet. In cattle these...

Low-stress Herd Management
Low-stress Management: Proper pressure, applied at the proper time, in the proper direction to create a reaction from the cattle in the...

Top Reasons to Drag Pastures
FERTLIZATION Redistribution of manure, when available, increases the fertilizing value and therefore is more cost effective than the...

Balancing Pasture Hoof Compaction
Cattle walking around your pasture can help loosen up the top soil allowing better water penetration and easier germination of seed for the

Maintaining Cattle Health With Hay Over Winter
When is the right time to cut hay? Hay should be cut when the plant or forage still has plenty of nutrients available within its content....

Australian Shepherds as Cattle Dogs
Bradshaw Cattle Company loves to utilize herding, or "working, dogs as a means of low-stress handling of our cattle. Here are some of the...